Humatrope® (somatropin for injection) is used to treat short or slow-growing children because they:
Individuals with Turner Syndrome lack adequate growth hormone production.
Have idiopathic short stature, which means they are shorter than 98.8% of other children of the same age and sex, and are growing at a rate that will not allow them to reach normal adult height.
Have SHOX deficiency.

We were born smaller than average for the number of weeks of pregnancy and did not catch up in height by 2 to 4 years of age.
Humatrope is used to treat people with growth hormone deficiencies.
Do not take Humatrope if you are experiencing major complications from open heart surgery, abdominal surgery, or serious injuries involving many body systems, or if you have life-threatening breathing problems. Deaths have been reported in such circumstances.
How it works.
How Does Humatrope Work?
Humatrope is a synthetic type of growth hormone. The pituitary gland (placed at the base of the brain) produces growth hormone, which is then released into the bloodstream and distributed to the body’s tissues. It boosts the production of another key growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Growth hormone stimulates growth primarily through the production of IGF-1.
What should I expect?
Although individual results may vary, Humatrope includes clinical study data to help guide treatment options. Throughout treatment, remind your child that growth is a slow process that requires time, even with treatment. Talk to your doctor about setting reasonable expectations for your kid’s treatment, and involve your child in the discussion. Helping a youngster understand what to expect might keep them motivated to continue therapy.
Where can I learn about safety?
Humatrope underwent safety and tolerance tests. When recommending medication for your kid, your doctor can carefully assess the findings of those studies by studying the Full recommending Information for Humatrope. You can also read the Full Prescribing Information and the Important Safety Information for Humatrope on this website. If you need help comprehending that information, or if you have particular questions about Humatrope safety and tolerability for your kid, please consult with your doctor.