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The history of the cannabis plant

The therapeutic effects of cannabis have been recognized for millennia. Cannabis was utilized to cure a wide range of health conditions as early as 2800 BC, when it was included in Emperor Shen Nung’s pharmacopoeia.

Cannabis has a lengthy and colorful history. Cannabis use originated in Central Asia or Western China. Cannabis has been utilized for millennia due to its supposed therapeutic effects. The first documented example of its use dates back to 2800 BC, when it was included in Emperor Shen Nung’s (considered as the father of Chinese medicine) pharmacopoeia. Cannabis has therapeutic uses mentioned in literature by Indian Hindus, Assyrians, Greeks, and Romans.

According to Hindu folklore, Shiva, the supreme Godhead of various religions, was given the moniker ‘The Lord of Bhang’ because he enjoyed eating cannabis. The ancient Hindus believed that cannabis’ therapeutic properties might be explained by pleasing gods like Shiva. According to ancient Hindu writings, the development of fever is caused by the ‘hot breath of the gods’, who are enraged by the afflicted person’s behavior. Using cannabis in religious rites appeased the gods, lowering the fever.

Of course, recent scientific evidence supports an alternative hypothesis. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) operates on the hypothalamus, lowering body temperature.

Is marijuana the same thing as cannabis?

People often use the words “cannabis” and “marijuana” interchangeably, but they don’t mean exactly the same thing.

  • The word “cannabis” refers to all products derived from the plant Cannabis sativa.
  • The cannabis plant contains about 540 chemical substances.
  • The word “marijuana” refers to parts of or products from the plant Cannabis sativa that contain substantial amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is the substance that’s primarily responsible for the effects of marijuana on a person’s mental state. Some cannabis plants contain very little THC. Under U.S. law, these plants are considered “industrial hemp” rather than marijuana.

Throughout the rest of this fact sheet, we use the term “cannabis” to refer to the plant Cannabis sativa.

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